Sunday, December 16, 2012

Bass are slow and ducks are a go

The bass on the river have locked up. All this warm weather had the fish wanting to spawn. Then we had a big cold snap a few days ago. The fish don’t know what to do, and now the females that all had egg sacks in them are now realizing its not the right time to spawn. We need it to get cold and stay cold for a while. Duck hunting has been fair. I had a couple trips with hunters either getting a limit or very close and couple trips that were somewhat slow. These birds are constantly moving with each front, so call ahead for a report if you want to duck hunt. I am on the water watching these birds every other day.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Big piles of ducks have arrived

Our ducks are here! A big pile of them showed up a day ago ahead of this big front coming in tonight. I saw no less than 400 within 3 miles of the house. If you want a good duck hunt on the Colorado River in the Bastrop area call me now.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bird watchers can see a rare treat

Bass fishing is slamming on river now. Duck hunters get ready. This second season is when it’s time to whack ‘em.  We now have three pair of bald eagles nesting between Bastrop and the FM 969 bridge. Also, I have a pair of Caracara below my house. These birds are native to Mexico and are not seen this far north very often. They are black with a white chest and redish-orange beak. They are lazy and don’t like to fly unless they have to. For you bird watchers, I have a full plate for you to look at.

Monday, November 26, 2012

When temptation hits, one must fish

The first duck season ended yesterday. The second season opens December 8. We still need a couple good cold fronts to push the bulk of our birds in here. When those birds get here, the duck hunting on this river is as good as anywhere if not better.

I went out after lunch today to build 5 brush blinds on river. I got two blinds done when temptation hit me. I flipped a jig into a brushpile and absolutely wore them out. If you want an arm yanking trip, bass fishing on this river is real good right now. I am on the water every other day watching.

Look for updates on when the ducks are thick.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Looking for a couple more cold fronts

We had a decent morning duck hunting the river. Shot 7 birds, and maybe should have had a few more. Ducks are here, they just haven’t arrived in force yet. We need a couple more big cold fronts to push a lot of numbers in here. If you haven’t tried duck hunting the river, give me a call. It will surprise you.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Now, for a positive post

I have been on the river the past two days. The quality fish have backed off the bank and are hanging on structure in water beyond 4 ft.  The water current and big rocks are key. That can be hard to find right now but it does exist, and where you find it you will find the spotted bass in numbers and quality. We had about 100 head today with about 6 fish between 3 and 5 lbs. Most of the good fish are coming off a crawfish colored jig and a few good fish came from a 6-10 ft. diving crawfish colored crankbait. The jig bite is not aggressive. I had several fish tap it like perch only to realize I had a 4 lb’er, when I set the hook.

The river is very dangerous right now due to low water conditions. I would not even try to run a motor with a prop on it right now. It won’t come back in one piece. If you don’t know the stretch you to fish extremely well, don’t try it.
Ducks are moving in, but are not stacked up yet. Bucks are hot and heavy on doe in this county right now. I had two pairs of bald eagles show up sometime within the last few days on the river. They are truly a sight to see. Stay tuned.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Yes, it's still legal to hunt in Texas

Tree huggers have cost me the day lease of one of my bow hunting spots. I have been harassed time and time again on that tract by adjoining landowners. So if you want to bow hunt, come now. I have about 10 days left. The last time I checked it’s still legal to hunt and fish in Texas.

Support your NRA. Support your game wardens and any other group that has anything to do with hunting and fishing. FYI. Hunters harassment act. You can use it if you are being harassed. I have a copy of the statute for any of you that want to read it. Our local game warden in Bastrop county has been very supportive of me and what I am doing. I am very grateful for that.

The ducks are moving in. It’s time to go get ‘em.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Get some tail

The river is now at a 50 year low as far as flow is concerned. The birds have begun to show up, but the main piles of them are not here yet. If you choose to run this river now, it is only navigable by jet foot or air boat. A boat with a prop will come back with no prop in this river right now. Duck season should be as good as it’s ever been. Beyond this Friday no more doe can be taken in Bastrop County unless you have MLD permits. However, I will still run bow hunts on the two tracts I have. We have seen multiple giants and at least a dozen more shooters. Bow hunters had a good evening. Big Mike took his first deer ever with a bow. It was a very nice 3.5 year old 9 point. (See my picture gallery.) Had two more guys take doe this evening.

Don’t hesitate to book a couple days of bow hunting. You might surprise yourself with a giant at very little cost. I have bow hunters, rifle hunters and duck season all over lapping now, so call ahead if you can. I do have help, but we can’t be in multiple places at one time.

TPWD has posted the 2012 duck season rules, definitions, and seasons on their website. My helpful links has their site. Early season Nov. 3- Nov. 25 ; Late season Dec. 8 2012- Jan. 27, 2013

Get Some Tail.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Duck, duck, not yet

I am getting a lot of guys wanting to duck hunt. The birds are not here yet, but I have seen a few groups in the last few days. I can handle large groups if given enough notice. My pricing may change a little bit in the next few days, but not for anyone who has already booked a trip.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Big boys on the prowl

The bucks are moving. They are looking and searching for a mate. There are a few doe that are in, but most are not. The cold front coming this weekend should break a lot of these doe loose, and we should be seeing the big boys acting silly. Can’t stick ‘em on the couch…get in a tree.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Get your hunt and fish on

Bass fishing on river is getting better everyday. The spots are feeding up big time on crawfish. Crankbaits and Texas Rigged lizards and brush hogs with any shade of green are killing them. My deer hunters have been doing well. Had two big bucks seen in the last few days. Several doe have been taken in the last few days, and just got a text from a hunter in a tree, who has a doe down right now. The rut is starting and starting early this year. Duck season is closing in, and the first few birds have shown up. I expect duck season to be phenomenal this year with low water conditions and a ton of grass. Call now to book a hunt, the calendar’s filling up fast.

Monday, October 15, 2012

What a difference a day makes

Wow! Deer seem to be getting back to corn even though we have a ton of green stuff around for them. All hunters saw deer tonight. I had a chance to sneak out on river earlier for a few hours. Water has cooled. The bite is on. If you want to catch a ton of fish on the Colorado, you need to call me now and book a trip. Rain can muddy the river in a day or it can stay good for a month or two. The fishing is just flat good. Don’t miss a great chance. Come get’em!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

We're off to a rough start this year

Roughest start to bow season I have had in a long time. It’s just been slow. Warm daytime temps with cool nights and rain have created a buffet for these deer that they haven’t had in a long time. Rye grasses along with a bunch of other sweet winter grasses are everywhere, and the deer are on them big time. Cold weather is the only solution I see.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sweet grass over corn

Hunting has been tough. The rain we had 10 days ago along with mild temps has brought the rye grass and other sweet winter grasses up that these deer love to browse on. The deer have not been on corn for the last 5 days. They will get their fill of it and move back to corn shortly. We have taken 7 doe and two bucks to this point. Had a hunter see a monster Saturday but had no shot.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Let the season begin

Opening weekend was rough with all the weather moving in. Opening morning was a complete wash out. Had four hunters opening evening. They took down 3 doe and a nice 8 point. Pigs just showed up as well. This week will be much better with cooler temps and a fading moon.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Update from the stands

Me and two buddies sat in stands this evening and watched. Bucks are still in groups except for the big boys. They have split off. I expect an early rut this year in Bastrop County. Two out of the last three years have been horrible droughts and horrible fawn crops. This past spring we got some much needed rain and I see a very good fawn crop this year. The cold fronts have started coming early so far. We just need one big cold front and a little moisture to make those ladies horny and get the boys a chasing. And when it happens, it's time to whack and stack.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Unique & convenient hunting in Bastrop

Bow season is a week away. If you want a bow hunt don’t wait. I am full the first two weekends with another large group coming in on week two. Bastrop County is not known for deer. However, what I have is unique and you won’t regret booking a hunt with me. I have the numbers in doe and some quality in bucks. My price is cheap, and I will put you on a shot. $150/day gets you a morning and evening hunt. My stands.  My corn. I put you in. I pick you up. Will help you find your kill and provide a lighted cleaning station. If you dont want to clean your kill, we will for $25. 
The river is cooling off and the bass will start biting good any day now.

I am taking bookings for duck season now.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bow Season is approaching

Bow season is less than two weeks is limited, CALL NOW! At the time of this posting, the river fishing for bass has turned on. We had 110 in 5 hours a weeks ago. However, the much needed rains over the last few days have muddied the river. It usually takes about 4 to 5 days to clear up, and when it does fishing will be very good.