Tuesday, June 18, 2013

River vs Lake

Mother nature controls what I can do and when I can do it. The river right now is tough. Its off colored and not rock bottom low. Too make it worse the grass is as bad as I have ever seen it. With that said, as it drops in late summer big numbers will be caught, but I need the drop. The drop in water will clear the river and make these fish chase baits.

Lake Bastrop---- I dont normally take clients to the lake as I am set up for the river. However, if you want to catch fish you have to change your plans sometimes. I know this lake like I know the river. Our lake fish are starting to school. Schooling fish are the most fun and enjoyable experience you can imagine.  At their peak these fish look like pirhannas on the surface. They are very close to that point.  Dont miss out.

Today I had a young man from Colorado who is leaving for Afghanistan in two days. He will stay for 9 months. He is a part of military intelligence and is taking a group of interrogators over there. I have the upmost respect for all our military, and after spending 6 hours with this home grown Colorado  native but Texas AGGIE fishing and talking, I feel like this country is in just a little bit better place with this one man going over there. He has no fear. His direction is good and he made me feel proud to be an American, simply because I got to see first hand what kind of person he is.  SUPPORT OUR MILITARY.  They are why we get to hunt and fish and live a free life. Most of the rest of the world does not.


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